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What is Occupational Therapy?

Therapist aids elderly patient with walking aid.
"Occupational therapists work with people who have physical, mental and/or social problems, either from birth or as a result of accident, illness or ageing. Their aim is to enable people to achieve as much as they can for themselves, so they get the most out of life"

The occupational therapists at Manchester OT assess and extend your functional and social ability. Your occupational therapist will enable you to make functional progress that is meaningful in the context of your life. Your occupational therapist will concentrate on developing and improving your abilities.

Occupational therapy (OT) can be dated back to the 18th Century and is defined as the treatment of people with physical or mental health problems through meaningful occupational to improve everyday function and reduce disability.

Young child gets help with improving her handwriting during a ManchesterOT therapy session.

Occupational therapy is concerned with the holistic treatment of patients which means that your therapist will consider not only your current problem/disability but how this affects all other aspects of your life. This will include looking at how you are managing everyday Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) as well as how your work and leisure pursuits may be affected. Manchester OT work with people of all ages to try and help them to become as independent as possible and to try and improve the quality of their life as well as lives of those people looking after them.

All the occupational therapists at Manchester OT use evidence based assessment tools which inform agreed goal setting and treatment programs. These can then be measured using standardised outcome measures.

As well as functional rehabilitation, the occupational therapists at Manchester OT are also trained in the fabricated and provision of splints, the prescription and fitting of aids and equipment and the assessment of any potential adaptations needed.

ManchesterOT patient gets help stretching using resistant bands with her therapist.

Our occupational therapists have completed a three year degree course and are state registered with the Health Professionals Council as well as the British Association of Occupational Therapists. They are also duel trained in both physical and mental health and so are well equipped to treat a wide variety of patients.

Please contact us or call 0161 883 0088 to see how we can help.

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